February 1 – March 8

  • Adult (Ages 14+)
  • Wednesday’s 7:45-8:45pm
  • $110/ 6 week session
  • Located at Centre for Creative Arts, 3rd Floor Dance Studio
  • Instructor: Samantha Nielsen

Register online below!

Join us in the hoop for an intermediate hoop dance class.

Here we will take tricks, rhythms, and patterns and layer them with dance basics.  We will be learning footwork, body awareness/posture, and what to do with your free hand.  This class is great for those hoopers who want to take their hoop flow to a dancey level.

You can bring your own hoop or hoops are supplied, please bring water and movable clothes.


Pay through PayPal!

If you’d like to pay via CASH or E-transfer please fill out the registration form HERE.